

The Educational Committee (EduCom) of BIRD is dedicated to improving the clinical and scientific knowledge amongst IBD professionals (physicians, scientists, study coordinators, nurses and other paramedical professionals).  The goal is to provide top class education in various formats. 

The committee consists of 5 members including the EduCom chair. All BIRD members can apply to participate in the EduCom with the goal having a broad representation of both academic and non-academic centers. One committee member also serves as a national ECCO representative.

The roles of EduCom include:

  1. To promote education on IBD among physicians, nurses, clinical trial staff, etc…
  2. To participate in the development of content for the BIRD website
  3. To select an “Article of the Month” to share with BIRD members
  4. To collaborate with BINAstoria
  5. To coordinate and participate in the writing of national guidelines and position statements
  6. To provide opinions on educational proposals to the Board
  7. To develop patient materials on IBD (medication leaflets, IBD pediatric booklet…)
  8. To interact with other national study groups, through the ECCO platform
  9. To liaise and promote with ECCO’s educational activities
  10. To collaborate with patient organizations
  11. To evaluate submissions for the BIRD Research Grants (in coordination with SciCom)
  12. To participate in the BIRD Registry project
  13. To evaluate BWGE abstracts
  14. To interact with BIRD partners in various events throughout the year