BIRD Registry

Mission of the BIRD Registry Steering Committee
  • To support and advise BIRD office/board on different aspects (legal, clinical and practical) of the BIRD Registry
  • To contribute to a well-maintained, complete (improving uptake) and up-to-date Belgian Registry for the benefit of all users
  • Open discussions, addressing all potential hurdles and worries, solution-driven approach
Steering Committee Members:

Lieven Pouillon, Imelda Hospital (Chair)
Sophie Vieujean, CHU Liège
Stefan Delen, ZOL Maas en Kempen
Claire Liefferinckx, Erasme Hospital
Filip Baert, AZ Delta
João Sabino, UZ Leuven
Clara Thienpont, ZNA
Anneline Cremer, Erasme Hospital
Triana Lobaton, UZ Gent